

I read in my hometown newspaper recently of the passing of a man everyone knew at my home church as "Charley". Charley Rhoads was, at one time, the custodian of the church & he was meticulous in making sure every light was out & everything was in its place before locking the doors.

Charley never seemed to have a bad day.

He never greeted you without a wide smile & a loud voice that stuttered so bad, it would take him a half-hour to ask directions. You could hear Charley for blocks away when he carried on a normal conversation. Charley was mentally handicapped.

Charlie was married to his wife, also mentally handicapped, for years. She would sit with him during church worship services & would smile nervously when Charley began his loud converstaions. It was obvious that they were meant for each other.

I remember one day, as a high school student, sitting in morning worship in church after a stirring sermon. The invitation came, the organ played Just As I Am softly as the congregation held onto the pews in front of them Every head bowed - every eye closed during this reflective moment of contemplation & conviction.

Suddenly, from my left, a shrill, high-pitched wail began that instantly stopped my heart. I had never heard such a thing in all my years of attending a Southern Baptist church. I glanced over to where this intrusive noise was coming from & saw Charley...in the asile...one leg up in the air and hands raised. Smiling and shouting with unbridled jubilation. I was far too scared to realize what was happening, but by the time the worship service was over, hardly a dry eye was found in the sacturary.

The only time I ever would hear Charley speak softly or without his acute stutter was when he was either praying or singing. Then, his enunciation & volume was perfect every time.

I am certain, right now, Heaven is a far more jovial place now that Charlie's made it Home.

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