
Celebrating The Dad-Bod: Let It All Hang Out

The week before Father's Day this year, Planet Fitness released the info on a survey they did on the male physique (that falls somewhere between buff and Pillsbury Doughboy)--namely, the "dad bod". 

In 2017, an online survey by Kelton Global of 2,006 Americans men & women 18 & over was commissioned by Planet Fitness. Researchers found was that women don't want rock hard abs on their fellows--they want love handles. In fact, nearly 7 of 10 found a few or 20 extra pounds to be attractive on men.

Well, when this most recent survey was conducted, it found that love for the "dad bod" continued to rise--more than ever before! In that survey, it was found that:
  • 71% of men say the "dad bod" has become fully accepted by society now...that's up from 63% last year.
  • 79% of men with a dad bod say they're happy with their body, up from 64% last year.
  • 78% of both men and women say a dad bod is a sign a guy is confident in his own skin.
  • 65% of people say a dad bod is attractive...61% say it's sexy...and 51% say it's the "new six pack."
Coincidentally, less than one month before this survey was published, a stir in the fashion world happened when the clothing company, ASOS, promoting &  selling crop tops for men. This nearly broke the Internet with the amount of confusion that ensued. This got the attention of the folks at the TODAY SHOW recently & they chimed in on the debate.

I've had a whole drawer full of "cut-off" tees for years. Ever since I was annually trekking out to Bushnell, IL for the "Christian Woodstock" festival known as Cornerstone. When I read about these trends this month, I thought that maybe in this age of acceptance & diversity that guys will get the same treatment as gals when it comes to "belly tolerance"... 

It's time for guys with "dad-bods" to push back on the belly shaming...and let it all hang out. Get comfortable with your physique & throw on a crop top while you celebrate Father's Day, 2019. Let it all hang out...join the "Navel Air Force".
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