
Troubled Times...?

It was spewed from a black hole 28,000 light years from Earth and is vaporizing everything in its path, astronomers say!

Okay, it was a headline from the Weekly World News, but nevertheless it does makes for a rather foreboding forcast. And today I've had a disjointed, chaotic day at work where I had to do 3 different jobs just to complete one simple one...and all day on the news we're watching a very slow, strengthening Hurricane Rita swirl its way toward the coast of Galveston, TX. My aunt called saying she's packing up & heading out of Pearland, TX (where she's lived all my natural life) which is situated just south of Houston.

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I wondered if what I've been saying will really happen. I've always believed that I would not die a natural death...but would live to see the coming of Christ in my lifetime. I'm sure many before me thought the same thing when life around them seemed to spin out of control. Yet I wonder, "Is this the time?" Prophets have said that strange occurrances will happen prior to the day of Christ's return. But are these the occurrances or will we have occurrances even stranger yet?

Enter the Weekly World News.
Scared-stiff astronomers have detected a mysterious mass
they've dubbed a "chaos cloud" that dissolves everything in its path, including comets, asteroids, planets and entire stars -- and it's headed directly toward Earth!

Discovered April 6 by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, the swirling, 10 million-mile- wide cosmic dust cloud has been likened to an "acid nebula" and is hurtling toward us at close to the speed of light -- making its estimated time of arrival 9:15 a.m. EDT on June 1, 2014.

"The good news is that this finding confirms several cutting- edge ideas in theoretical physics," announced Dr. Albert Sherwinski, a Cambridge based astrophysicist with close
ties to NASA.

"The bad news is that the total annihilation of our solar
system is imminent."

Experts believe the chaos cloud is composed of
particles spawned near the event horizon of a black hole (a form of what's called Hawking Radiation) that have been distorted by mangled information spewed from the hole.

"A super-massive black hole lies about 28,000
light-years from Earth at the center of our galaxy," explained Dr. Sherwinski.

"Last year the eminent physicist Stephen Hawking revised his theory of black holes -- which previously held that nothing could escape the hole's powerful gravitational field. He demonstrated that information about objects that have been sucked in can be emitted in mangled form.

"It now appears that mangled information can distort matter.

"Just imagine our galaxy the Milky Way as a beautiful, handwritten letter.

"Now imagine pouring a glass of water on the paper and watching the words dissolve as the stain spreads. That's what the chaos cloud does to every star or planet it encounters."

To avoid widespread panic, NASA has declined to make the alarming discovery public. But Dr. Sherwinski's contacts at the agency's Chandra X-ray Observatory leaked to him striking images of the newly discovered chaos cloud obliterating a large asteroid.

"It's like watching a helpless hog being dissolved in a vat of acid," one NASA scientist told Dr. Sherwinski.

Ordinarily, Hawkings Radiation is harmless.

"It's produced when an electron- positron pair are at the event horizon of a black hole," Dr. Sherwinski explained. "The intense curvature of space-time of the hole can cause the positron to fall in, while the electron escapes."

But when "infected" by mangled information from the black hole, the particles become a chaos cloud, which in turn mangles everything it touches.

"If it continues unchecked, the chaos cloud will eventually reduce our galaxy to the state of absolute chaos that existed before the birth of the universe," the astrophysicist warned.

Some scientists say mankind's best hope would be to build a "space ark" and hightail it to the Andromeda Galaxy, 2.1 million light-years away.

"We wouldn't be able to save the entire human population, but perhaps the best and the brightest," observed British rocket scientist Dr. David Hall, when asked about the feasibility of such a project.

But even if such a craft could be built in time, evacuating Earth might prove fruitless if theories about the origin of the chaos cloud are correct.

"A black hole at the center of Andromeda is about 15 times the size of the one in our own galaxy," Dr. Sherwinski noted. "It might be like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire."

Speaking under the condition of anonymity, a senior White House official said the president's top science advisors are taking the findings in stride.

"This is a lot like global warming, where the jury is still out on whether it's real or not," said the official.

"The existence of this so called chaos cloud is only a theory. Americans shouldn't panic until all the facts are in."

However, who's to say what factual is? Of one thing I can be certain: While I may not know what will happen the next day, I am certain of my outcome. God help me to make it to that point.


Katrina Was MY Fault!

I'll admit it.

I did it.

I caused Katrina. I was responsible for the torrent of water & wind that completely inundated New Orleans & leveled most of southwest Mississippi. I was the one who dumbfounded the New Orleans Emergency Management Operations and the one who interruped the flow of information from FEMA to the local & state authorities.

I did it all.

Now, you have a confession so maybe this will keep you from blaming God, blaming President George W. Bush, blaming FEMA, or blaming the rich white bigots.

Here's a newsflash: Nobody OWES you anything. You must take responsibility for all the actions you did or did NOT do....such as "making like Noah and getting the FLOCK out of New Orleans" when every weather bureau in the country was giving descriptions of what would happen to buildings, trees, and canals before the catagory 4 storm made landfall.

So many in the storm area was expecting something I would call a, "McStorm" instead of what really plowed through their city. So many expected an arsenal of rescue personnel to be standing on their guard around the perimiter of the city to immediately surge in after the storm surge to rescue them after they REFUSED to leave town after the warnings.

I have no problem with those who chose to stay & ride out the storm. But don't go blaming anyone other than yourself for what happens if you do. It is no different than not voting and then complaining about the unfairness of the voting system. It's just not consistent.

Personally, I can think of no other man to have at the helm of this country than George W. Bush during these last several years. And for that matter, while I would prefer not to be in any catastrophy, I can think of no better country to endure a catastrophy than the United States of America.


Dazed & Confused

I sit watching the TV, wishing I could just turn it off. But, I can't. It's invisible tractor-beam has me harnessed as thousands -- dazed & confused -- wander aimlessly onto deserted freeways in a metropolitan city known as New Orleans.

They're not the only ones who are dazed & confused.

I, too, am wandering aimlessly. I'm wondering what on earth can I do to help. I am not made of money but I did give to relief organizations and even to individuals who I felt compelled to offer some kind of compassion. I'm dazed at the unending stream of desparation that belches out of the belly of the city...as if it has regurgitated all of its sustinance onto the earth.

New Orleans is becoming a Third World country.

I'm confused at the extremes the victims are going to in their desparation. Rescue efforts being suspended because those with stolen AK-47s are firing at the very hellicopters & other vehicles who are coming to their rescue.

Yet, I should not be surprised. I do not think this is any more the sign of the end times any more than I thought the attacks on New York on 9/11/01 was. However all of the events of our day do add up to point to the end times. Just as the Bible says the earth will groan like a pregnant woman about to give birth, our very planet is approaching the moment when a new Era will be born.

I believe I will see it with my own eyes before I meet a natural death. And, I have a compelling urge to be the messenger to others who do not see what lies ahead.

14b These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
15 For this reason they are before the throne of God, and they serve Him day and night in His sanctuary. The One seated on the throne will shelter them:
16 no longer will they hunger; no longer will they
thirst; no longer will the sun strike them, or any
17 Because the Lamb who is at the center of the throne
will shepherd them;He will guide them to springs of living waters,and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. (Rev. 7; HCSB)

1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea existed no longer.
2 I also saw the Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband.
3 Then I heard a loud voice from the throne:Look! God’s dwelling, or tabernacle is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God.
4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will exist no longer; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer, because the previous things have passed away. (Rev. 21; HCSB)

Not only does the people of New Orleans need to be reminded of this...we all do.
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