Oh the wailing...the crying...the gnashing of teeth!
A moment captured in time as my two boys tried to wolf down their supper so they could hit the streets begging for candy, Trick-Or-Treating this year. Daniel, had no problem. Cameron, on the other hand, was having a meltdown because he got a note sent home from his teacher -- again -- saying he was goofing off during classtime & was unable to finish his classwork. The rule in the house is that if you are given your classwork to take home because you were goofing off in class, then it must be completed before any "fun" takes place.
In this case, "fun" was spelled, "H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N".
So, Cameron was trying to gobble up his supper so he could leave for trick-or-treating when his younger brother, Daniel, did. But the peanut butter bagel was not helping him to this very fast. The more he bit off, the harder the job got. The gaping mouth full of goo was just too good to pass up for our friend, David, who was to be handing out candy at our house while all of our family walked around the neighborhood with our two "super heroes". He had to snap a commemorative photo of the tantrum which we now will be using as soon as Cameron is old enough to date.
Parenting is so much fun.
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