
I Wanna Know What Love Is

Lou Graham, when he sang the song with Foreigner years ago, yearned to know what love really is:

I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines
In case I need it when I’m older

Now this mountain I must climb
Feels like a world upon my shoulders
I through the clouds I see love shine
keeps me warm as life grows colder

In my life there’s been heartache and pain
I don’t know if I can face it again
Can’t stop now, I’ve traveled so far
To change this lonely life

I wanna know what love is

How many of us really know what "love" is?

We have gotten such a whacked-out definition that we probably wouldn't know what love is if it were pinned to our noses with a namebadge. The phrase, "I love you" can mean a plethora of things depending on when you say it, to whom you say it, and even where you say it.

One of my pet peeves is how everyone becomes totally homosexually charged over the expression of love. It has totally destroyed the pure, respectful form of love that exists between two close friends. It is a non-sexual kind of love that bonds two people. My mom once placed a newspaper clipping on my mirror as a senior-high school student that really stuck with me. It was a column written by a psychologist showing that research had found that men and/or boys (in particular) who have had (or currently has) a "close, intimate friendship" with another male tends to make for a better husband because the man can first see his wife as a friend before seeing her as a sex object or as his lover.

The problem is that society has branded any guy ...or gal, really... who has anything remotely connected to a "close, intimate friendship" as "gay". How sad. How sad it is to pervert such a pure form of human expression. How sad to taint the bond that could be the sustenance for a guy's manhood. How sad to fling a guilt complex on something so liberating?

To me, the coolest thing to see is to watch two guys who are straight, but are close, intimate friends...who are so uninhibited in their friendship that they can freely express their feelings toward one another & are unaffected by public opinion...or peer pressure. There is something that is unexplainable which happens when I am with a friend who I can be myself & express myself in both body language & in verbal language. I can look my friend in the eye and know that he & I are on the same page when I express to him how much I love him, respect him, and admire him. And, when my friend places his arm around my shoulders & holds me as a non-verbal way to show support, encouragement, or (in a few cases) sympathy, it totally frees my soul.

Granted, a man should have very few secrets from his mate - his wife - but a man also has a few secrets that is reserved for a close male friend who understands the feelings & struggles men face. Let's face it: Women are very understanding...but they don't understand everything. And I do not think there is anything "gay" about a man expressing feelings of love & closeness with another man. The bible is quite clear as to what, specifically, homosexual love is:
If a man sleeps with a man as with a woman, they have both committed an
abomination. They must be put to death; their blood is on their own hands
. -
Lev. 20:13 [HCSB]

There's pretty much no argument what is meant here, folks. I think a lot more guys would have a lot less anxiety if they were a lot more open to having close, intimate friendships. Everyone who sees two young boys as in the days of Huckleberry Finn walking along, arm-in-arm with fishing poles in hand, thinks this is such a wholesome sight. Yet if they see two guys walking arm-in-arm down a sidewalk or in a park or mall it is automatically assumed the two have a "thing" going between them.

As for me, I will continue to be me. Folks will continue to make their assumptions about me. And I will continue to care less. I do know that I am fulfilled because I have a few close, intimate friendships that I can always fall back on where I can open up uninhibited & pour out my heart to my friend & likewise, let him pour out his heart on me while I lovingly hold him & let him be totally at ease in his manhood.

Then I can go to my wife to enjoy a deeper love that includes the sexual side & know that I have a good balance on what I want to know love is. You have to be confident in what you know about love in order to fully know what love is. You have to be comfortable in your definition of love for you to embrace what love really is. And when this happens, you can recognize love in its many varying forms & know how to respond, when to respond, and where to respond to the love that is being expressed.

I refuse to let the gay agenda set my agenda on what I know about love.

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