
Time Out

I'm returning to the blogging desk after a brief reprieve. I haven't posted anything because I have been so preoccupied with life...and I really haven't had much of an opinion about much lately. But I have also been mulling over just how I want to utilize this online opine site. Many times I've stressed myself out thinking I must compose some lengthy, witty article as if I were having it published in the New Yorker or something. Well, I'm changing that. I think I'm going to just post whatever is drifting through my head at the time, whether it's a paragraph or a small novel.

Of late, I have been facing the fact that after a career in broadcasting that began in 1979, there may be a coming paradigm shift. I love radio passionately. I spent 4 years training for this career in college. Radio is all I've ever done. It sure doesn't pay well, but it is the most fulfilling job I've ever had. I've had other side jobs in retail & as a pizza delivery driver. But I've always had radio as my primary job. Now with iPods & online/satellite radio stations on the rise, local terrestrial radio is becoming a lost art.

I hesitate at moving away from a career that has been my entire universe for almost 30 years but I do not want to ignore the facts, either. As for now, however, I still remain on the fence, trying not to get a splinter.
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