The NCAA has now decided that they don't want to ruffle any feathers in the headress of Indian tribes -- oh, excuse me...Native American tribes. They now have decreed that while it is perfectly fine for colleges & universities to choose a mascot such as "Warriors", "Chiefs", or "Indians", those such schools will not be allowed to display their proud mascot at any "post-season" games that would carry the name of the NCAA.
So if my Alma Mater, the Arkansas State University Indians, make it to the play-offs in any sport, they are prohibited from displaying their mascot. What sort of team spirit are the fans going to show then? Textbooks?? I am appalled at the discrimination toward ASU by the NCAA by singling out us, and any other schools in the US who use mascots portraying Indians. Yes, I said "Indians" and yes, I said, "discriminating". They make one discrimination to protect another. How ludicrous.
ASU did not choose the Indian mascot to make fun of Native Americans. In fact, I know of no school who chose a mascot that relates to the Indians in some way did so out of hostility or any other reason. I think it's the white man that is more offended by the use of Indian-related terms than the Red Man. Heck, why don't the NCAA ban the word Arkansas. The very name of the state is a derivative of the Chickasaw Indians.
From ESPN:
Arkansas State University, whose teams are known as the Indians, said Friday
that their use of the mascot is done with respect and the school's sports teams
will continue to use it.
"It is our objective to represent Native Americans
in a dignified and stately manner," ASU atheltic director Dean Lee said. "We
believe that our use of the nickname 'Indians' and 'The Indian Family' as our
mascot affords the Native American customs and history the fullest respect and
Vernon Bellecourt, president of the National Coalition on Racism
in Sports and Media, was pleased with the postseason ban but had hoped for even
stronger action.
RACISM? Oh, fercryinoutloud! These people should get a life. They have way too much time on their hands to be sitting around trying to come up with new ways we are offending people. This kind of crap offends ME.
I have friends who are Indians. One very good friend lived in Buffalo, NY and was a proud member of the Senaca Nation. This is a tribe that literally gave Benjamin Franklin the inspiration to design the United States in a democratic fashion. The Senacas were using a democratic form of government in their tribe centuries before the US even thought of rebelling against the King of England. So, let's just stop using democracy in this country, too, because we are offending the Senacas.
If we're going to jump on this silly bandwagon, just cut the political correctness....and give the land back to the Native Americans! That would do more for this race of people than "protecting" them from some college football team.

Go stAte, GO!